Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving was insanely busy this year! Brad had to work :( I was kinda bummed about that, but the fact that he still has a job is the one thing i'm most thankful for this year. The night before Thanksgiving we sat around a fire with our closest friends. I love that. The holidays are always so focused on family. Don't get me wrong....Brad & I are VERY close to our families, but I love that we have genuine friends. We all want to involove each other in our holiday festivities because it just feels like that's the way it should be. Thanksgiving morning Brad got up at 4;15 to go to work, and I got up to start cooking. I made pumpkin pies, a strawberry trifle, & sausage wrapped in bacon. It literally took me all morning! I made it to Brad's Grandma's at 11:00 to see his family & then left there to go eat with my family. My family functions are always a treat ;) You never know who's gonna say what. It's very entertaining. When Brad got off work we went out to his Aunt's house to eat again. Basically all I did was eat ALL day. I would post a picture (not of me eating...a picture of Brad & I), but I don't even think we had pictures taken. That's pretty much our day...busy but uneventful. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

A double shot....amd i'm not talkin espresso ;)

Ok so I'm FULLY aware that in my last post it was clearly stated that i'm not a "redneck" i'm "southern". That is in fact true...however I may have a bigger argument on my hands now. Don't judge me too harshly....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

These are my roots, and this is what I LOVE...

Do you ever think about things you wanted as a child? When I was a little girl I wanted to work at Dairy Queen. I mean what could be better than working in an ice cream shop? By fourteen I had decided that I would go into the fashion industry. I wanted to walk runways, wear the most incredible clothing, & eventually design the clothing that was on those runways. I was a year into modeling school, up to my neck in etiquette classes, and one runway walk away from going to New York to hopefully be picked up by an agency. At that moment a rail thin model from Bulgaria walked up to me and handed me a copy of her "nutrition plan". She advised that we follow it exactly. After skimming through and not finding pizza anywhere on it....I took my last walk on the runway, packed up my etiquette book, drove home, and ate pizza. I didn't think I could truly be happy with that lifestyle. I mean...I like food, I enjoy the flexibility of skipping a workout every now and again, and I don't know if you've seen the VS Angels lately, but i'm pretty sure they aren't allowed to do either of those things. By the time high school graduation rolled around I had no specific I got a real job. I'm still here almost 10 years later at my "real job" and I honestly have no regrets. At 27 years old I am finally figuring out my life. I live in a small town, i'm married to a country boy, and my sister calls us rednecks. For the record...i've seen real rednecks, and we aren't anything like those people so I just call us "southern". I can see why she says that. We own a truck with mud grapplers, we spend 90% of our weekends at the river or around a fire, we hunt, and when I have babies they'll own camo & cowboy boots, but i'm alright with that. We love life here in our small town. Besides...we might wear jeans, but I can promise you one thing...they're designer jeans. My True Religions look fine with my boots :) ...and January - you cant argue with your "Redneck" sister about that! Looking back makes me laugh...The things I wanted so badly led me to this life I have now, and even though it's not quite what I planned for myself...I love it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Hallows Eve

Halloween was sooo much fun this year!! We always get together at Patrick & January's house, pass out lots of candy, & eat tons of good food! Since everyone was already at the house we celebrated Jonas' November 3rd birthday that night too! He LOVED his costume, but was a little confused by the 8 million kids running up to the house to get candy. You should also know that the punkins we carved were used for decoration, and they were definitely a crowd pleaser :) Here are a few pictures...

I was a cowgirl...Brad had worked all day so he was a PCS workin' man...

Beka was a Masquerade girl...
January was a Princess...

Jona-bear was a leopard or something??? :)

Patrick was a guy with a straw hat...

There were others, but I guess some people just aren't "into" the whole dress-up thing.. ;) ;)

We get the biggest thrill out of it though...I mean there's one day out of the year when you can be ANYTHING you wanna be. I'm probably going to take advantage of that until I embarrass my own children ;)