Saturday, January 10, 2009

25 & a National Championship

Just wanted to take a minute to wish my Bradley a Happy Birthday. He's 25 today! I think his favorite thing about his birthday weekend was watching his boys win the National Championship! We went to Gainesville and watched the game with Brad's old roomate and several other friends. Friday we went and bought his official birthday present...he's been playing more golf lately, and decided he needed a new driver. I think he finally settled on a Taylor Made Berner. Tonight we had dinner with some friends at the crabshack, and tomorrow we'll conclude his birthday weekend cooking steaks with his family. He says it's been good and I say he's getting old ;) Happy Birthday Bradley! I LOVE you so so much!....and Go Gators!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Live, Click, & Organize - This is what it all comes down to!

New Year's Resolution - a commitment that an individual makes to a project, or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change.

I absolutely love the idea of making a list of goals for the New Year. I don't however like to name that list "New Year's Resolutions". I mean of course thats what it is, but it's almost depressing that as i'm making my list, everyone in the United States is making the assumption that no one EVER keeps a New Year's Resolution. It's like giving up before you even try. So the top of my list simply states "Goals". I won't bore you with my WHOLE list, but here's the top 3. This way J & P can help keep me accountable ;)

1. Home is where the heart is - Brad & I want to have a home, or to have purchased land for our future home, by the end of the year. My small town-house has been great for us, but we are sooo ready to have a bigger place. We love to have people over, but when we all get together there's usually 10 or 12 of us, and....well let's just say I like my personal space. Mother & Mother-in-Law, read this very carefully....I am in NO way, shape, or form with child, BUT when we do decide to start a family (which may or may NOT be soon) we HAVE to be able to store our children somewhere. The moms get all giddy when we mention children so I had to clearly state that ;) So a homestead is definitely #1 on my list.

2. Take a picture it'll last longer! - I MUST make better use of my Kodak. I am the world's worst about taking pictures (which is a complete shock considering who my mother & sister are). I have a great camera, but I find myself without it constantly. For a while I carried it in my purse. That helped a little, but still i have so many memories etched into the wrinkles of my brain instead of on film. That drives me crazy! Our honeymoon- in the Islands, white sand, crystal blue water, tiki huts, bathing suits, sunshine, each other, and like 8 pictures!!! I'm getting sick right now thinking about it. I hope my mom doesn't read this...she'll be mad as fire ;) Maybe that'll be my first picture for the new year...don't worry i'll post it :)

3. I was born with an enormous need for fashion - I live and breathe fashion. I crave clothes, shoes, jewelry, & the perfect handbag....ok ok 15 perfect handbags....It's clearly not to the point of fashion rehab or anything, and no i'm not careless enough to endanger our bank account ...Therefore I did not see the need to make the goal to quit shopping. The "goal" is simply to organize my closet.....and keep it that way. Brad laughed out loud when I read this to him. I mean, I took over our spare bedroom to house my wardrobe (all accessories included)! He thought it was rediculous which is his typical thought for my brilliance. Girls....if you have a small closet and an empty spare bedroom....MAKE YOUR MOVE NOW!!! Preferably while your significant other is absent. It's the best thing I ever's just a bit of a hot mess right now. It's gonna get better....Enter "New Year's Goal" #3.

So there....I've mapped out small part my journey for 2009. This should be a great adventure. I'm sure you'll get updates occasionally, and if you have any good tips on organization let me know.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here's to 2009!

Let me give you a visual.....It's New Years Eve....Brad and I are at home waiting for our friends to come over. We decide while we're waiting we're gonna play Guitar Hero. I take my regular position on the drums while he straps on the guitar. We choose our song and break it down! After a concert or two Brad decides he wants to try singing and i'm gonna take a turn as soon as he's big deal right? WRONG....Brad sings his little tune and passes over the mic. I fail miserably (however take into consideration that he was playing the guitar so he could have been the one to CRASH my performance). He is so delighted with the fact that he out-sang me that he decides he's gonna brag A LOT! ;) So I get all worked up because he's not a very graceful winner & in return he claims that i'm a "sore loser"!! After a few sarcastic comments about Brad and his "golden microphone" I decide we better put the instruments down... I'm gonna get all practiced up while he's out playing golf, and we'll just see who the band leader is then ;) Shortly after our first "band fight" our friends arrived! We ate dinner and brought in the new year standing around a campfire. You all must realize that I know there's a pattern here with us and campfires, but that's just what you do in Live Oak. We were tired by 11:00, which is sad, but we managed to stick it out until 12:01 :) Seriously, I think we were at home and in bed by 12:30! Today we had dinner with Brad's family (where he continued to brag about his singing "skills"). The food was sooo yummy! We had the traditional stuff...Black eyed peas & greens, and in addition, rice and tomatoes & Jiffy cornbread. Later I went to mom and dad's and had some duck & mac n cheese. I finished the day playing the Wii while Bradley watched more football. It was a good day to start off our great year!! I'm currently working on my goals for 2009. I'll have to fill you in on those later....and yes we will try to keep the Guitar Hero drama to a minimum ;)